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The Right Tool

Writer: Rev. Victor BeltonRev. Victor Belton

We know that it takes many different tools to build a house. If all we have is a screwdriver, then we will have a lot of trouble sinking nails. If all we have is a saw, then it will be impossible to paint a wall. If all we have is a hammer, it will be impossible to strip a wire. If we are going to be successful, then we need many tools, the right tool for the job.

We have God's Word and Sacraments as God's basic tools for growing in faith and advancing His Mission to reach every nation, every culture, every language. By faith we are guided to develop tools to bring Word and Sacrament to all nations. (Genesis 26:4, Daniel 7:13-14, Luke 24:27, Rev. 7:9)

God is bringing people from around the world to America primarily so you can share the gospel with them! What a blessing these new people are, refined by fire to be agents of God's love among us. Many churches have the passion to reach these new souls but do not know how. Mission Nation Publishing and The Florida Georgia District began a pilot project called Rev7:9 to find tools to inspire and equip churches to reach out to new Americans.

The Revelations 7:9 Initiative is an important toolbox for every congregation that wants to bring Jesus to ethnic groups different from their own. REV7:9 is helping congregation members engage with their neighbors of different ethnicities with greater understanding, appreciation, and without the fear that immobilizes many churches.

One of the "tools" in the Rev7:9 toolbox is coaching. We are blessed to have excellent coaches some of whom were trainers in the Center for US Missions. These are some of the most consecrated, and effective coaches in the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod. They are helping pastors and churches in the Florida Georgia District reach beyond their ethnic group to new Americans.

Rev7:9 is making other tools available for the important mission of reaching every nation. For example, discipling resources from Church Planting Essentials as well as The Missionary Pathway, a discipling process from the The Kairos Network. The Florida Georgia District provides financial resources such as zero percent loans, and smaller loans to support churches that want to reach a new ethnic group.

Prayer is a powerful mission tool. Mission leaders in Florida Georgia are getting together virtually every day at 10:02 AM to pray for the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into His harvest field.

For more information on how to reach new Americans with the love of Jesus, check out Rev7:9 on the Mission Nation website, At the same time you may want to take advantage of a special book offer of our seven missionary biographies at a reduced rate.

We refuse to allow the enemy to deceive us into using one tool when there are so many gifts of grace and tools in our toolbox. Let’s get busy using the tools to advance the Kingdom of God in our generation. No excuses! Let’s go! Revelations 7:9 Toolbox



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