Did you know REV7:9 is partnering with the National LWML to inspire and equip churches to reach a new ethnic group? How does that happen? By providing congregations with Biblical and strategic resources, coaching, and help to set faith motivated goals. All of this is to open ears and eyes to the vision our Father established in Revelations 7:9 - a great, diverse multitude in heaven - made up of every nation, tribe, people, and language.
The good news is ears are being opened, vision and goals are being created. Take as an example Saint Paul Lutheran Church in Peachtree City. Rev. Mark Dahn describes the progress in his church: “ I just walked by the Mission Nation book display and thought I’d snap a pic. Here’s what our book display has looked like regularly- only 1 book available! All others are ‘checked out.’” Members borrow the books to discover what God is doing bringing more than 500,000 immigrants a year to our country. Pr. Dahn is about to launch a sermon series using Mission Nation biography books! The new immigrants are gifts from God to strengthen His church in America.

Are you interested in having your mission enhanced by these wonderful missionary biographies? You can invite congregation members to rejoice in the missionary adventures of the missionaries to America in the MNP biographies. As they read about what God is up to bringing so many immigtrants to America your members will be inspired to reach beyond their cultural identity.
Act now- MNP is offering a special discount to encourage churches to take on the Rev7:9 vision, to see more clearly and hear more distinctly the call of God to live the gospel in their everyday lives. Order your set of 7 biographies at the reduced rate of $70 + shipping and handling.
Interested in your church participating in the Rev7,9 initiative? We will be glad to share how you can inspire and equip the people of God in your congregation to reach every people, tribe, nation and language. Email me at: REV79.connect@gmail.com
Rev. Victor Belton, Leader of the Florida/Georgia District Rev.7.9 Initiative